Wow! Those are all very nice layouts. I am totally overwhelmed - so much so that I can't tell which one I like best. THe ones with the babies are very very pretty, but the Seagirl is very unique. You're extremely talented.
"Za dwadzieścia lat bardziej będziesz żałował tego, czego nie zrobiłeś niż tego co zrobiłeś. Więc odwiąż liny, opuść bezpieczną przystań. Złap w żagle pomyślny wiatr. Podróżuj. Śnij. Odkrywaj." Mark Twain
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1 komentarz:
Wow! Those are all very nice layouts. I am totally overwhelmed - so much so that I can't tell which one I like best. THe ones with the babies are very very pretty, but the Seagirl is very unique. You're extremely talented.
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